Domestic violence confidential advice to help you take control
If you’re in a relationship that isn’t working, either because you feel threatened or are with a violent or abusive partner, it can be difficult to know where to turn to for help.
It’s important not to suffer in silence and asking for help is the first step to resolving the situation.
Barker Booth & Eastwood has people you can talk to in complete confidence to help you take control of your situation.
Domestic abuse, whether physical or psychological, is unacceptable in any relationship and no one should ever be made to feel scared or threatened in their own home.
Our legal experts can provide sympathetic but practical advice, explaining your options and helping you put an end to domestic abuse.
If you are in immediate danger, we can take swift action and, where necessary, obtain court orders to protect you and your family.
As well as providing legal advice, we can put you in touch with a range of organisations who can provide additional help and support.
Legal Aid may be available if you have been a victim of domestic violence.